The Art Of The Sky

“You don't take a photograph, you make it.”

- Ansel Adams

Photography and the Camera have been synonimus with one another for as long as we can remember until the mobile phone arrived.  Today literally thousands of snaps and selfeys are taken every day and very few of them are ever converted to a print on paper instead are destined for facebook, instagram or other social media.  So at one end of the spectrum we have what can be described as 'art' photography and at the other a central plank of modern social communication.    

It would be fair to say that pictures on this site fall somewhere between these two ends of the photographic spectrum. They are for interest and enjoyment as one person's perspective on a small part of the world.  


“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”

- Ansel Adams

  • Worcester, England, United Kingdom